System Requirements
Supported Browsers
+The Global Supplier Portal works with the following Internet browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari versions 9 and 10 and Internet Explorer (IE) versions 11 and Microsoft Edge.
Pop-Up Blockers
+For best results, turn off pop-up blockers when using this website.
Screen Setting
+The Global Supplier Portal is optimized by a screen setting of 1024 x 768.
Language Setting
+Portions of the Global Supplier Portal have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Italian, German, Polish, Slovak and French. Translated text is accessed through personal browser settings. Pages not translated and languages selected other than ones list above will display in English.
Steps to set language settings (exact steps for each browser may vary slightly) :
Step 1: In the same internet browser window, select Tools from the menu bar
Step 2: Select Internet Options
Step 3: Click on 'Languages'
Step 4: Click on 'Add'
Step 5: Select your preferred language from the list
Step 6: Click 'Ok'
Step 7: Select the newly added language and click 'Move Up' to move the language to the top of the list
Step 8: Click 'Ok' and return to the Global Supplier Portal
Step 9: Refresh the Portal to view the translated content